AnCon 2022 - The Five Looks
Many of us might love the Bible but not feel confident to read and understand it for ourselves.
At AnCon22, Dr Andrew Reid will introduce us to "The Five Looks" - a simple model for interpreting the Bible today. Each "look" opens up a way of examining Scripture that reveals God's purpose in causing it to be written for us. In many ways, "The Five Looks" gives us a roadmap to understanding God's word and will for us today.

"The Five Looks" has been developed by Andrew Reid and used to train lay people and preachers around the world. It is soon to be published as a book by Langham Partnership.

If you have any questions, please contact Tim Xie at:
Friday, 30 Sep 2022 - 6:30pm-8:30pm
Saturday, 1 Oct 2022 - 9:30am-5pm

Glen Hill Community Church
AnCon 2022 - The Five Looks
Friday, 30 Sep 2022 - 6:30pm-8:30pm
Saturday, 1 Oct 2022 - 9:30am-5pm

Glen Hill Community Church

Many of us might love the Bible but not feel confident to read and understand it for ourselves.

At AnCon22, Dr Andrew Reid will introduce us to "The Five Looks" - a simple model for interpreting the Bible today. Each "look" opens up a way of examining Scripture that reveals God's purpose in causing it to be written for us. In many ways, "The Five Looks" gives us a roadmap to understanding God's word and will for us today.

"The Five Looks" has been developed by Andrew Reid and used to train lay people and preachers around the world. It is soon to be published as a book by Langham Partnership.

If you have any questions, please contact Tim Xie at: