Partner with us

Financial giving is an important way that you can partner with our ministry and mission. At Cross & Crown, we urge our members and regulars to financially support:

  1. Our gospel ministry here at Cross & Crown
  2. Global missions including to our missionaries, R & E in the Middle East
  3. The Christian poor as an act of mercy including to organisations like Compassion Australia.

On Sundays, we do not pass a collection plate and if you are just visiting, please do not feel any pressure to make any financial contribution.

If you would like to set up your regular giving or make a one-off contribution, our bank account details are:

BSB: 063-182
Account Name: Cross and Crown Melbourne Inc.
Account Number: 1146 8017
Reference (optional): FULLNAMEgiving

If you would like a receipt for your contribution or if you have any questions about giving to Cross & Crown, please contact us at: