Bible & Life Together
What is the BLT Network?
Some churches have Bible study groups where it's all Bible but no life or relationship. Other churches have life groups where it's all life and relationship but no Bible.
At Cross & Crown, our mid-week small groups are committed to having both: the Bible and Life Together.

BLTs are where we can grow deeper in Christ and closer as a church. In an ever-growing church family, it's where we can be known and belong.
Every week, 10-14 men and women gather as a BLT to go deeper in word, prayer and fellowship. Our vision is that through our BLT Network, we might see every member of Cross & Crown grow into Christlike maturity together.

As a discipleship ministry of Cross & Crown, our BLT Network is only open to members and regulars of our church. This allows us to know and care for every person who calls Cross & Crown home.

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer."
Acts 2:42
Our locations and times

We have 15 BLTs that meet across the inner, central and outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne. They meet for 2 hours on Tuesday to Friday evenings.

In our BLTs, we want to encourage the fellowship of men and women, married and single, old and young. However, some BLTs are more catered towards the needs of specific groups of people, e.g. seniors, young families and university students.

BLT Network Values
  • Deeper in word
    When our BLTs gather, we spend most of our time reflecting on God's word, often the passage being preached on each Sunday
  • Deeper in prayer
    Our BLTs are places of prayerful support and care which is why we prioritise time to pray for one another every week
  • Deeper in fellowship
    In an ever-growing church, BLTs are an important place where we can be known, loved, cared for and feel a sense of belonging
  • Team-led
    Each BLT is co-led by two people and hosted in someone's home; by working as a team, we can make sure that all our members are cared for
  • Multiplying
    Our BLTs stay together for about 2 years before multiplying so that we can meet and welcome more people into God's family
  • Network
    All our BLTs form a single network with the same purpose, priorities and values which allows our church to stay united together
Contact us
Kevin Ma
Assistant Pastor